Author: Laura
Laura Kinson is a self-taught web developer at dotOrg. She teaches yoga on the weekends and is passionate about to-do lists and perfecting the poached egg. She texts with her right thumb & left index finger and is fully aware that it's weird.

Running Shorts with Phone Pockets Roundup

Small Space Desk Options

Motherhood: Year Two

3 Podcasts on Taxes

4 Ways Babies Love Bananas

Motherhood: Year One

Four Books I’ve Binge-Read Recently

Baby Proofing So Far

4 Surprises About Pet Rabbits

My Favorite Pregnancy and Baby Books

3 Ways to Get Your Workout In While Traveling

Everything I Use While Traveling with a Baby

5 Pregnancy and Motherhood Podcasts to Listen To

Banana Oatmeal Lactation Muffins

Laura’s Third Trimester: Baby Beep

Announcing Baby Ernie

30 Things I’m Adding to My Bucket List Upon Turning 30

Laura’s Second Trimester: Baby Beep

Review: Amazon Baby Registry Welcome Box

The Best Basic Hummus Recipe (and what to add to it!)

Cultivating an At-Home Yoga Practice

Recent Travels: Charleston, South Carolina

5 Books I Hated This Year

Laura’s First Trimester: Baby Beep

Laura is Pregnant!

Podcast Review: Bad With Money

DIY Dog Whole Foods Diet

24 Hours in Boston