1. Both of my little sisters have gotten engaged recently and I am so excited to help with wedding planning! I bought them each a ring dish and diamond dazzle stick to celebrate.

2. I found this article about the OneCoin cryptocurrency scam super intriguing. I found it in a personal finance Facebook group that I follow and I immediately fell down the rabbit hole of learning more about it. I was inspired to check out The Missing Cryptoqueen podcast which reminded me a bit of one of my all-time favorite podcasts: The Dream (about MLM scams). I can’t wait to dive further into this one.
3. I bought my husband a pair of Rothy’s last week and we are both obsessed! I think they look great and my husband thinks they are super comfy. And we both love that they are washable 🙂 I am so glad that our favorite shoe brand now has a men’s line.
4. I am super excited about this Kickstarter for a financial literacy book for 3 to 8-year-olds: M is for Money. I believe kids are never too young to start talking about money!
1. I’m on vacation!! As of last night my husband, toddler, dog, and I are all up in the mountains just over an hour away from our house in Los Angeles. I’ve been really looking forward to a nice break after the first few months at my new job and I’m hoping this break gives me some recharge moments. I’m loaded up with lots of books and beers and hiking plans. We are renting an airbnb and the bedroom Ernie is in has a queen bed so we invested in these bumpers to (hopefully) keep him put. Worst case scenario he sleeps on the floor on his nap mat from school.

2. A bunch of different bloggers and influencers I follow are pregnant or just had babies and I find it such an interesting job to have while managing parental leave. Jess at The Golden Girl detailed her plan for self-employed leave, Mackenzie of Design Darling talked about the additional help she’s brought in to make a leave with a newborn and toddler possible, and She Picks Up Pennies has talked about how to stop hustling while soaking in those newborn snuggles.
3. This bathroom redesign/overhaul had me thinking major Stella vibes with all the lemon theming and accents! I love the wallpaper here as it provides visual interest without being too overwhelming because of the tiling on the lower half of the wall. Probably a style I’m going to steal for one (or more!) of our bathrooms after our rennovation!
4. I’ve been craving a good gazpacho for a while (this. summer. heat. 🥵) and think I’ll try out this one while we’re on vacation.