1. It’s getting a little cooler in NC and I am loving it. I can’t wait for the leaves to change and for Colby to see snow for the first time. We’ve been cooking more soups, stews and casseroles.
2. I’ve been enjoying EarthCam a lot lately and love getting to see live webcams of some of my favorite places. The Boston skyline is always a go to for me but I’ve also enjoyed “traveling around the world” to see the Ponte Vecchio in Florence, the Djuma Waterhole in South Africa, and the bear cam in Katmai National Park, Alaska.
3. I think this contest for the Coolest Thing Made in NC is a super fun way to support and promote locally made items.
4. I binged AWAY on Netflix this week and thought it was really good. I am a big fan of the actor Josh Charles from his work on The Good Wife and was thrilled to see him in something else.
1. Welp. We missed a few weeks of our It’s A Thing posts, and I take full responsibility! My husband was working really long hours out of the house which left me as the solo parent to our almost 18 month-old, dog, and two rabbits. With all our Covid restrictions still in place coupled with heat waves, air quality limits, and my getting sick over the last week, we all spent a lot of time cooped up in the house and I am so ready to have him back.

2. Loved this first birthday theme from Emily.
3. Bookmarking this beautiful knit fig blanket on my holiday present wish list.
4. With Ernie getting very close to our 18 month well child visit, I’ve started paying more attention to his speech and language developments. I’m really enjoying these Instagram accounts to learn more about what’s happening for him at this age: @howtotellastory, @speechupaustin, and @thespeechiecorner.