It’s A Thing 9.12.20
- Colby is 10-months old today. He’s changing so much every day. His first birthday is finally feeling like it’s right around the corner and I’m excited to start planning how we’ll celebrate.

- I am very interested in the term “zoom towns” and have enjoyed reading about how working trends are changing especially since I personally have relocated due to my work-from-home status.
- I am a huge fan of eggs for breakfast and Food52 has recently become one of my favorite foodie Instagram accounts to follow. This roundup was inspirational in switching up my morning egg selections.
- I am a huge fan of household items as toys. Colby has a few favorites that have been my go-tos even when nothing seems to be working. Lately, he’s been loving this salad spinner and he’ll spend a solid amount of time playing with it, totally fascinated, before I have to figure out something else.
- I am finally watching season 2 of Dead to Me on Netflix and it’s awesome.
- So appreciated this week’s episode of Call Your Girlfriend. It’s probably not the healthiest thing in the world that it was calming and reassuring to me to hear that, basically, the country has been this much of a mess for a while (and there are people working on it). I think the perspective shift that it brought about is very important to keep in mind, though, when the world feels like everything is on fire.

- I tore through ‘The Undocumented Americans‘ this week. It felt like such an eye-opening read, and I wish it was required reading for… everyone in the United States? It was also so impactful to read during the 19th memorial of 9/11. This Instagram post from @tuesdaysarenotokay puts much more eloquent words to that thought.
- Some levity in my week re: birds.
- I’m trying out Blueland cleaning products. I really love their mission around both non-toxic ingredients and eco-friendly packaging and so far have been very pleased with the outcome!
- I’ve been interviewing this week and it has been so draining. Definitely making me think strategically about what it will be like to have two working parents with a 17+ month old during quaran-times. We have this baby gate just on the door to Ernie’s room so far, but I’m thinking we might invest in at least one more to be able to shut an adult and baby in one room to minimize the space said adult has to be in charge of watching at any given time.
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