- I am having so much fun getting to show Colby nature in North Carolina and watch him discover the world outside of our LA apartment. Today, we visited my mom (and more importantly, her two horses) at work. Colby has been so interested in animals and I love watching him discover new things!
- After a few weeks of being here in NC, we finally did BBQ night! We ordered curbside pick up from Luella’s (highly recommend!) and also picked up curbside beer from Asheville Brewing Company. It’s been fun to discover new places and support local spots.
- I found this map of “how much $100 is worth in every state” very informative! There are certainly tons of other factors that go into choosing a home but I loved seeing this financial piece so clearly represented.
- Diaper changes have been a bit of a nightmare lately. Colby just won’t stay still and hates laying on his back. After months of buying and loving the Costco brand of diaper, we’ve switched to the Pampers 360 pull-up diaper and boy is it a game changer. We can now do diaper changes standing up with much less of a fuss. And with my Amazon diaper discount, they are almost the same price per diaper as the Costco brand!
- I woke up Tuesday morning to a handful of “nominations” on Instagram to post in solidarity of the #womensupportingwomen hashtag, and pretty much wanted to set the internet on fire. In a time where Instagram is being used so heavily in purpose of promoting the Black Lives Matter movement and spreading awareness about anti-racism, police brutality, myriad other social justice issues, and the inherent instability our country is facing because of the coronavirus pandemic, it rubbed me very much the wrong way that women in my life were choosing to post their most flattering selfie and claim it as “supporting” each other. In doing more research it also appears that the black and white selfie meme/trend was actually coopted, as it originated as a way to call attention to the long history of femicide in Turkey.
Surprise mail! - A guy I went to high school with wrote this piece for the Boston Globe on growing up Black in New Hampshire and I thought it was a stunning read. New Hampshire usually flip flops with Maine every census for which state is the whitest, and it’s jarring to me to think about the innumerable times I surely was not aware of the privilege I held by being a white kid growing up there.
- I am still working on finishing up Ernie’s baby book (my goal was to have it done when he turned one… three months ago!). I’ve been using the Shutterfly app to print out photos, because you only pay for shipping!
- Really appreciated this piece on screen time in the time of coronavirus. A former “screen-time expert” is walking back a lot of her claims from the pre-pandemic era, couching a lot of her advice and reasoning that “these uncertain times” call for much different approaches. We’ve still kept Ernie on a screen-free existence, which is, admittedly, much easier to do because I’m not currently working. Even with that, though, I have had times where I’ve been tempted to see if a quick YouTube video would give me a slight respite of being his 24/7 entertainment.