Baby Toys for Every Month During Year One

We are both deep in the thick of it as far as baby-times go. Ernie just turned one (šŸ¤ŖšŸ„ŗšŸ¤ÆšŸ˜³) and Colby is almost to his half birthday! We are celebrating with a post of all their favorite toys during year one.

One Month Old

Not playing with much at this point, but our little guys loved to go on walks! We love this carrier, a travel system that allows you to plug the car seat into a stroller frame and a set of hats.

You are also taking a million pictures and trying to keep your little one comfortable and warm. At this stage, we were using a lot of swaddles for picture backdrops, as blankets, and for swaddling of course!

Two Months Old

Tummy time is in full gear at this point so itā€™s time to keep them engaged on their bellies. They are also starting to see a little further and love to see bold images. Our little guys loved these high contrast books, this tummy time activity crinkle book, and this standup mirror.

Three Months Old

Itā€™s time for an activity gym! We both have this one and our little guys loved it starting around 3-months and kept enjoying it as they grew to start reaching, rolling, and even sitting up.

Also, bath time also starts getting really fun around this age. We love this tub and these bath toys.

Four Months Old

We love this bouncer and toy bar! Around 4-months they might start bouncing on their own and actually engage with the toys a bit, though you can start using it much earlier. Itā€™s a great chair to cart around the house so your baby can ā€œparticipateā€ in activities with you.

Five Months Old

Teething was in full force for us at this point so teething toys are top of our list for month 5. We love this lemon-shaped one and of course, Sophie the Giraffe. Both have great textures!

Five months is also right around when sitting becomes a thing. Laura has this bumbo high chairĀ strapped to one of their dining room chairs and Stella has this highchair.

Six Months Old

Wiggling, rolling, and lots more tummy time is on the docket for six months. We love a good floor mat (like this two-sided one or these tiles that double as a fun pull-apart toy later!) to keep our guys comfy on a slightly softer surface than just the floor. More tummy/back/scooting time toys we like are this ā€œskwishā€ rattle and this rainstick, plus this wrap-around activity toy for the car seat and stroller.

Seven Months Old

Babies are starting to be a bit more aware of their surroundings at this age. Some start scooting and crawling by this point, so finding toys to occupy their attention span can get a bit trickier. We like these sensory balls, this multi-use sensory toy, and this easy-to-grab ball (great for chasing around the house!).

Eight Months Old

At least for baby Ernie, this month was a bit of a frustration-filled one. He was getting pretty good at crawling but hadnā€™t quite mastered it, so he wanted to be exploring lots of places he couldnā€™t quite get to (or at least not quickly enough for his liking, ha!). We loved this pair of face cards (one, two) as a distraction, and this zebra squeaker has been a pretty big hit, too.

Nine Months Old

Chances are your little one is crawling by now and that meansā€¦ they are everywhere. Anything that can keep them in one place for more than a minute or two is going to feel like a godsend. Youā€™ll figure out what that is for your individual, but some that have worked wonders for us is this farm set, these butterfly wrist rattles and this maraca, and these baby-safe magnets (keeping them in the kitchen while you make a meal or get the dishes done feels like winning the lottery).

Ten Months Old

If your kiddo is pulling up and cruising at this point, a) weā€™re sorry. Good luck on the baby proofing front! But b) yay! So much of the world has been opened up to them! We like this activity table (that is great starting around 6 months to plop them in to, and then transitions into a kiddo table for up to 2 or 3 year-olds!) and this water table. Both are great for cruising around.

Eleven Months Old

The year mark is in sight! You might be dealing with more exploring of your house than you ever thought possible. It finally clicked with Baby Ernie what exactly he was supposed to do with these stacking rings and heā€™s also been enamored with these squishy blocksĀ and this spinning letters and numbers toy.

One Year Old

There is a lot of building going on in Lauraā€™s house right now. These blocks get clicked into these blocks get stacked on top of these blocks and these blocks! Other big hits of late include this giant stuffed elephant and these pegs.

Soon to be played with (we think and hope) is this ā€œbusy boardā€ and this train set.

Does anyone else have favorite gift items for year one? Let us know in the comments!

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