It’s a Thing 5.24.19

  1. I am an event planner at UCLA and we threw quite a celebration last weekend celebrating UCLA’s 100th Birthday. It was a very cool event to be part of. I especially loved the ice cubes that were etched with “100” on them and the cake made in number molds. img_1434
  2. We also had an event at the zoo this week. I’ve been working on trying to get that event finalized for a few YEARS now so it was very cool to see it all come together. I was very excited that we invited a sloth to the reception. My excitement didn’t quite match Kirsten Bell’s but it was close.
  3. This past Wednesday was my wedding anniversary, my husband and I kept it fairly low key by going out for dinner and exploring our new neighborhood (we moved a few weeks ago!). It’s been cool to have a whole new set of restaurants to explore. Other than going out for the anniversary, we are very exited to use our new kitchen with upgraded appliances and I can’t wait to start using my new Instant Pot! If you have favorite recipes, leave me a link in the comments!
  4. I am feeling very tempted by all of the Memorial Day sales, especially since we are in the process of decorating (and organizing) our new place. I ended up buying this outdoor storage bin for our patio and am trying to find a good deal for a new spice rack that will help us save some pantry space.
  1. My sister in law sent me this article on “good” babies and it was definitely a read I needed. The first few weeks of newborn life are no joke and there have been plenty of “what are we doing?!” and “am I doing this right?!” moments!

    2019-05-24 09.11.30
    Things I started this week!

  2. As if anyone didn’t know, I’m a huge Emily Oster fan (her books, ‘Expecting Better‘ and ‘Cribsheet‘ are top of my recommendation list for expecting/new parents!). She was on The Ezra Klein Show and Freakonomics recently promoting Cribsheet and I loved hearing some perspectives and anecdotes that didn’t make it into the book!
  3. I have fallen VERY behind on my podcast listening… I think my “all episodes” playlist is up over 50 at this point, not sure how (or when!) I’m going to catch up. One that I did prioritize listening to when I saw it pop up in my feed, though, was 10 Things That Scare Me with Blair Braverman. I love following Blair on Twitter and seeing all the sled dog updates, her episode was great!
  4. I have been all about any and all button front things lately to accommodate nursing. Top pics so far are this shirt (in MANY colors!), these dresses [1], [2], and this top.

Let us know what you think!