We love the Soda Stream fad that is taking over lately. It’s a great affordable way to be more cost-effective with your sparkling water purchases. Unfortunately, the Soda Stream branded machines don’t let you carbonate wine or juice. So we’ve been eyeing these machines that allow you to sparkle more than just water – think sparkling juice and wine! If you do have the traditional machine, you can add flavor without too many calories or extra money with these crystallized lemon and lime packets.
It’s important to remember that the CO2 cartridges still create waste and REALLY add up in cost. We have a pipe dream of creating a DIY carbonation creation like Frugalwoods.
For sparkling water on the go, cans are always easier. We’ve found the best prices for sparkling water are usually through bulk stores like Costco or through the mail via Amazon Prime Pantry.
Our favorite brand is Spindrift, they use real fruit juice to flavor the water and it’s so so good! But for a more traditional (less flavored option) we usually go for Dasani – we just like the bubbles better for some reason.
Does anyone else love sparkling water? What are your tips for keeping it a cost-effective habit? Let us know in the comments!