25 Creative Uses for Vinegar

Inspired by our many uses of lemons a few weeks ago, we decided to start paying attention to other weird and/or alternative uses for regular household items. One that definitely pops up a lot for us is vinegar! It is such a masterful tool and goes way beyond cooking uses. Here are a bunch of ways we use vinegar in recipes, to clean, and as a go-to resource.

…If this list isn’t complete enough, we recently stumbled on this site VinegarTips.com, that has over 1,000 tips, tricks, and uses for vinegar! We’ll have to do a follow up post down the road and let you all know how else we’ve started using the stuff!

White Vinegar as a Cleaning Agent

away_whitevinegarVinegar is very acidic and because of that an excellent cleaner, that can dissolve soap scum, remove glue, and even get tough red wine stains out. Here are a few ways we use it every week!

  • Shower head cleaner — fill a bowl with hot water and 2-3 tablespoons of vinegar, then stand on your tub and soak the shower head for 3-5 minutes; you’ll for sure feel the difference the next time you shower!
  • De-stink-ify clothes — add 2-3 tablespoons to your washing machine when doing a sweaty load of laundry (hello, hot yoga) to help lift smells from clothes
  • Drain cleaner — use 1 cup baking soda and 1 cup hot vinegar; wait 10 minutes and rinse
  • Shine your shoes — wipe down leather shoes and bags with a vinegar-soaked cloth to bring some life back
  • Spray away — fill a spray bottle with half white vinegar and half water and use to deodorize a room or to clean countertops, the grill, mirrors, walls, and pretty much any other surface you can find!

Apple Cider Vinegar in Your Routine

away_applevinegarApple cider vinegar is beneficial for your health both internally and externally. It’s detoxifying nature makes it great for sore throats and its acidity cleanses hair and skin in a natural and harmonious way.

  • Gurgle — have a sort throat? mix 1/3 cup AC vinegar with warm water and gurgle away; or heat it all up and add lemon and honey for a soothing tea
  • Toner — use a cotton swab dipped in AC vinegar to tone and cleanse after washing your face
  • Remove hair product, add shine — after shampooing, rinse your hair with AC vinegar
  • Stop itching — a cotton swab soaked in AC vinegar can soothe bug bites, eczema, and lots of other itchy skin conditions
  • Tummy troubles — AC vinegar contains pectin which can alleviate many causes of stomach and colon uneasiness; drink straight or mix some with water for slower drinking

Base for Salad Dressings, Marinades, etc.

away_balsamicvinegarWe love using vinegar as a base for salad dressings (1 part vinegar / 4 parts oil) and marinades (1 part vinegar / 2 parts oil). Once you start there, the possibilities are endless for what to add. Here are some of our favorite dressing and marinade recipes:

Kitchen Help

away_cidervinegarVinegar is not just for eating, mind you! Here are a few other ways we love to use vinegar in the kitchen beyond including it in recipes…

  • Poach eggs — while your water is boiling, add some vinegar to help the eggs keep their shape
  • Sticky pasta — add 1/2 teaspoon to a pot of boiling pasta water to keep the pasta from sticking when it’s finished
  • Onion odors – rub your hands with vinegar after cutting onions to get rid of the smell
  • Fishy odors — after cooking fish, broccoli, onions, or anything else with a strong smell, place a bowl with 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar near the stove to move odors out and away
  • Glass cleaner — in place of commercial glass cleaner for dishwashers, use white vinegar as a natural replacement that shines and sparkles just as well!

Vinegar for Pets

away_redvinegarVinegar is one of our go-tos when pets are involved. As an all-natural ingredient, it can be used safely on or around pets unlike lots of household cleaners.

  • Shiny coat — just like for human hair, spraying on or conditioning with 1 part vinegar / 1 part water will leave your pet silky shiny
  • Remove litter odor — let a vinegar/hot water mix soak in the litter tray for 20 minutes, then rinse to remove smells
  • Ear cleaning — using a cotton ball dipped in vinegar, clean inside your pet’s ears to kill bugs and remove dirt
  • Remove water lines or calcium buildup from water bowls — soak with vinegar and then rinse
  • Discourage flies — spray around where your pet uses the bathroom (inside or outside) to get rid of flies


Anyone else totally vinegar-obsessed? Let us know how you use them in the comments!

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