Upcoming Bucket List Week

Obviously we love lists (goals for the year, things we’ve done in the past, and so many more…), and never far from our mind are our “Bucket Lists!” We love having both long- and short-term goals whether that means traveling to a new place, whipping up a new recipe in the kitchen, or checking off a budgeting to-do item. In re-examining our lists recently, we thought it could be fun to share some of the things from our Bucket Lists for anyone else out there needing a little inspiration! This week we’re going to share travel, finance, food, home, exercise, and daily life goals; 100 of each, some of which we’ve done and some we have yet to accomplish. Hopefully this can inspire some additions to your own bucket list!

Here’s what’s on tap for the week:

Do you have a bucket list? How many things are on it?? Let us know in the comments!


Let us know what you think!