It’s A Thing 3.9.18

  1. I am becoming oh-so-obsessed with succulents lately. I just added this little one to my desk and am going to do my best to keep it alive, sometimes I am just terrible at plants. Found this great article to keep me motivated!

    Current Desk Status

  2. I love using colored pens when making notes on typed documents, I just invested in these and LOVE them. Love all those bright colors!! Also pictured, one of my favorite desk tools – this stapler is so worth the extra money!
  3. I was laughing out loud today over some of these wine memes. I think number 4 might be my favorite.
  4. I’m headed up to San Francisco for a quick work trip this weekend. Super excited that my husband is able to travel with me for free with our Southwest companion pass that we earned with our credit card. We have a little bit of downtime and I have not spent too much time in SF so I’m excited to check out some of these spots: (1), (2), (3).


  1. My immensely talented friend, Rainbeau, came to our bachelor(ette) party a few weekends ago that Stella helped organize and she just posted some awesome photos from the event on her Travelogue!

    Copyright © 2018 Rainbeau

  2. Our two Joybird couches were finally delivered yesterday! It was quite the wait (we ordered during a Black Friday deal, were given mid-to-late-January as an initial ship date, and then it moved twice!) but I’m so psyched to have our living room put back together!
  3. I got back on the batch cooking bandwagon this week which means our fridge is filled with leftovers, just the way I like it. I love these airtight glass containers for meal-sized leftovers and these large mason jars for sauces, salads, and snacks!
  4. Legit cannot wait to see the RGB doc. It’s gotten so much amazing press since Sundance!
  5. If you’re in the need for work-wear, there are a few really great sales happening right now and into the weekend:

Let us know what you think!