RESOLVE: Visit New Places

We love to travel and we’re constantly looking for reasons to book flights or jump in the car for a road trip. Laura accomplished a huge goal a few years ago by going to all 50 states in time for a solo trip to Hawaii for her 25th birthday. And Stella had many trips of a lifetime while she spent a semester abroad traveling around all of Europe. To top it all off, we’ve both been to dozens of places together including Sayulita during the sweatiest time of year, London for Spring Break in college, New Orleans for a girls trip getaway, and even the Logger Days Festival in Squamish, BC! We both have huge lists of places we still want to go and strict budgets we want to stick to.

Be sure to check out all our other resolution suggestions here!

Because travel has been so much of our lives during the last few years, we’ve really perfected our travel skills. These are a few of our go-to tips and tricks for trips:

  • Budget is always key and it starts at the very beginning. We recommend that you really do your research and use Google Flights to monitor dates and prices and set alerts to help you save money when booking flights or renting a car.
  • Pack light and just bring the essentials. Don’t worry about having your closet in your suitcase, you can buy things on the road if you really need them.
  • If you are flying for your travel, be sure to make the most out of your layover.
  • Research the cities you are traveling to before you go and be sure to print things (travel documents, directions, lists of top attractions) especially if you are traveling somewhere without cell service.
  • Hydrate. Hydrate. HYDRATE!

Anyone else have travel tips that you live by? Let us know in the comments!

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